web site design and development faq

web site design and development faq

stage 1: pre-development stage - overview

  1. Request Consultation: Click here to contact us. If you are also interested in Logo, Letterhead, Business card, and/or Envelope design services, please specify that in your message.
  2. Consultation: We will contact you for a free consultation. This consultation is without obligation and may be conducted over the phone (a Web conference room may also be utilized).
  3. Estimate Preparation: If you request an estimate, we will combine the information you provided in the with the information obtained in your consultation meeting, and promptly reply with an estimate.
  4. Agreement: Upon acceptance of estimate, Agreement is signed and down payment toward total project cost is made. (note: Agreement will either be signed in person or sent via Registered Mail).
  5. Provide Materials: You provide us with all text, files, and images (in accordance with signed Agreement).

stage 1: pre-development stage - faq

I would like a new site designed, what are the first steps?

  • Browse some of your competitors' sites. See what they've done with their sites. This may give you an idea of what to do, or what not to do, with your own site.
  • Write down what you would like your site to include (site content).
  • Write down how you would categorize your site's content (site categories).
  • Write down what would you like your site to accomplish (site goals).
  • Write down how would you summarize your business/organization and what it does (business/organization description)?

I have a site, but am interested in a new design? Is this hard to do?

The amount of design and development required may vary, depending on the nature of the site. It is recommended to have a site re-designed, to some extent, at least once per year.

I have a Web address in mind for my site, how can I see if it is still available?

Just visit Vivio Tech, do a search to decide on the address you wish to use, then we will set it all up!

Can I get a special e-mail address such as myname@mywebsite.com?

Most definitely! This is included free-of-charge in your Web hosting plan. For example if your Web site was www.mysite.com, any e-mail sent to an address ending in @mysite.com would come to you! So, for instance, mail sent to addresses such as welikeyoursite@mysite.com and howareyou@mysite.com would all come to you.

How do you estimate the cost of a site?

Estimates are based in part on the number of pages, the amount/type of content (especially content that we must custom create), and the time involved.

How can I make my content ready for my site?

If you can e-mail it or send it on CD, that would be the best way.

stage 2: development stage - overview

  1. Intro Page: We will design your site's introduction page (if included in Agreement). We will work with you on any changes you may wish to have made.
  2. Design Template: We will design a template from which your web pages will be created. Two revisions of this template are included in the base charge. One or more payments toward total project cost is/are due during this phase.
  3. Content Integration: Once design is finalized, we will integrate your content into the site design.
  4. Working Model: We provide you with a working model of your Web site. This can be at a location hidden from the rest of the world, for your review.

stage 2: development stage - faq

How long will the design process take?

This depends on many variables, including the size of your site. It is also affected by the number of changes that need to be made during the process. You can help speed this up by making sure your content is prepared and ready to go on your site.

We are located a great distance apart, are appointments really necessary?

Appointments are not always necessary. Communication and transfer of documents and images can be done via e-mail, Web conference with screen-sharing, live chat, or mail. Much of our work is done over long-distances.

What about search engines, do you take care of the registering process?

Yes, if requested, we will register your site with many of the top search engines. We also prepare your site for optimum search engine ranking.

How can I accept credit card payments on my site?

We recommend, and offer integration with, PayPal. Contact us for more information.

Do you offer secure certificates?

Yes, please contact us for more information.

stage 3: post-development stage - overview

  1. Going "LIVE": Once you agree on how we have integrated your site's content with the design, we will put your site "live" on the Internet. During this time both you and our design team will review the site and make any necessary final changes.
  2. Agreement Fulfilled: After you approve the completion of your site, the Agreement will be fulfilled upon receipt of any outstanding due balances.

stage 3: post-development stage - faq

Once my site is complete, do you offer site updates?

Yes, we offer monthly maintenance plans starting at $60 per month. Your plan would be based on your site's individual needs.

Who will own the site upon completion?

You will own rights as described in the Agreement, when the contract is paid in full.

How do I obtain statistics for my site?

This is included free-of-charge in your Web Hosting Package. It is very easy to follow and monitor; we will show you how.

We also sell hit counters and "currently online" displays. Contact us for more information.

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